Support for HDF-based macros has been dropped starting with Trac 0.11 as with the switch to the Genshi templating engine, the `hdf` data prepared for the Clearsilver engine used upto Trac 0.10 has simply disappeared. This means that the old-style macros installed in the `wiki-macros` folder, i.e. the Python source files containing the simple function: def execute(hdf, txt, env): ... must be rewritten into new-style macros, i.e. plugins implementing the IWikiMacroProvider interface. This is not necessarily a complex task, given that: - the plugin can be a "single file plugin" which doesn't need to be configured to use setuptools. Creating a single .py source file and dropping it at the right place (the `plugins` folder next to the old `wiki-macros` folder) also works; - instead of implementing the IWikiMacroProvider directly, inheriting from the WikiMacroBase class also works well and is a bit more convenient. Note that not only is this not more complex, but it's also much more powerful, as the macro can now access the Wiki `formatter` object, and through it, all the other objects that are meaningful in the context of the Wiki text containing the macro call. You can see how the examples for the old-style macros have been converted to the new-style macros (single file plugins), in the `sample-plugins/` and `sample-plugins/` files. Note that the TracGuideToc macro has been integrated in the main source code base (in `trac/wiki/`).